Big Closets Small Planet with Michael Schragger… | Make it Feel Right

Big Closets Small Planet with Michael Schragger - Innovation

001 Bcsp Intro 2


Our #MakeItFeelRight Eco-Supporter, Sustainable Fashion Academy, is presenting a new series of podcast on sustainable fashion:

INNOVATION - Do you want the inside scoop about which sustainable apparel innovations are hot and which are not? Then ask two passionate, albeit a bit wacky, business development and innovation experts for advice.

Do you get excited when hearing about breakthrough sustainability apparel innovations - such as fibers made from fruit waste or blockchain technology being used to track and trace the origin and content of your clothing? Do you sometimes wonder if these breakthroughs are too good to be true? Greg Stillman and Rogier van Mazijk work with visionary entrepreneurs and impact investors every day.


May 2nd, 2019 45 minutes 14 seconds


Supported by:

  • C&A Foundation
  • H&M Foundation
  • The Rylander Foundation


In collaboration with:


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